
Staying Safe after a Hurricane or Tropical Storm

After a hurricane, follow some suggested safety tips for you, your loved ones and your pets.


After a disaster —natural or otherwise, recovery is a different mindset. Although the immediate danger from Hurricane Ian is over, we still need to be aware of the dangers that follow, such as debris on the roads and parking areas, non-functioning traffic lights, downed powerlines and low-lying areas that potentially might have high water levels on roads. It is important to still be cautious and vigilant!

After a hurricane, here are some suggested safety tips for you, your loved ones and your pets to follow.

What if my power is out?

  • If you have suffered a power outage, you should use flashlights and other battery-operated light sources until the power comes back.
  • If you need to use candles, make sure to keep flames away from any potential fire source, and stay close by to lit flames. Do not leave candles unattended. And always have a fire extinguisher handy and know how to use it.
  • When the power comes back on, do not use any electrical device that is wet. You should make sure the power to the outlet is turned off at the main breaker if the device is still plugged in. Contact an electrician if needed.

What should I be aware of when it comes to flooded areas and downed power lines?

  • When it comes to flooded areas after a hurricane, it is important to pay attention to warning signs.
  • It is important to not drive on flooded roads — your vehicle can stall out or even be swept away.
  • If you have been in floodwater, make sure to wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer or alcohol wipes. Unfortunately floodwater can contain germs, chemicals and even human waste so it is important to wash your hands to prevent any health issues.

What should I do to keep water and food safe after a hurricane?

  • According to the Centers for Disease Control, if any food or water has come in contact with floodwater, be sure to throw items away. Even if the food looks and smells normal, it can still make you sick.
  • If at any time during the storm, food wasn’t properly refrigerated because of outages, these items should also be thrown out.hurricanes
  • Pay close attention to any local reports of boil water notices. You will need to boil water for a minimum of five minutes before drinking or any other usage. Bottled water is safe for drinking, cooking and personal hygiene.

How do I overcome stress after a hurricane?

  • In order to overcome stress after a hurricane, you need to know and understand the signs and symptoms. After a disaster such as a hurricane or tropical storm, you can experience any of the following: fatigue or insomnia, headaches, guilt for no reason, overeating and crying spells to name a few.
  • It is important to be patient with yourself and your loved ones who might experience some of these symptoms.

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Posted on September 29, 2022 By Phoebe Ochman Phoebe Ochman, director of corporate communications for Chapters Health System, manages all content and communications for the not-for-profit organization.

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